They meticulously planned the entire event, making it uniquely theirs, and featured their beloved dog, Harmony, as the star of the show. The ceremony included a heartwarming “trick show" with their beloved dog, filled with love and warmth. Unlike traditional weddings, they used dog treats instead of rings for the exchange, feeding them to Harmony. 😆 From the signin table to the invitations and even the cake, Harmony's image was everywhere, showing how much she is a part of their family. They also brought along a painting with their 9-year-old pet turtle, who couldn’t attend the wedding, to include in the photos, showing their deep affection for their pets.
What really touched me was how they shared every detail with me, constantly confirming their choices of outfits, styles, colors, and even the patterns of cutlery, tablecloths, and chairs, asking for my input. I felt their immense trust and appreciation. Over the past seven months, I almost became their half planner, providing suggestions for everything that would enhance their photos based on their ideas. On the day of the shoot, everything went smoothly; the pace was tight but not rushed. Their high level of cooperation made the shoot exceptionally seamless. Trust is the greatest compliment a photographer can receive.
I am very grateful to have met such a wonderful couple, which makes being a wedding photographer feel like a truly rewarding job. Best wishes to Sarah & Bob 🎉
和西雅图有莫名的缘分,还记得人生第1次踏入美国的土地,就是从西雅图机场开始,每次来旅游或者出差,都会很怀念这过去几年的点点滴滴回忆。 感谢Bob和Sarah在网络上看到我们的作品后,邀请我们飞去Bellevue(西雅图旁边的城市)去拍摄他们的婚礼。这是一场让我觉得很快乐而又有意义的婚礼。尽管已经相恋10多年,几年前就结婚了,但是这场婚礼意义非凡。他们很用心的策划了整场属于自己的婚礼,他们的爱犬Harmony成为了这场婚礼的闪亮主角。 一场和狗狗互动的“表演” ,充满了爱和温暖。与往常不一样的是,她们把狗狗喜欢吃的饼干圈作为交换戒指,然后分别喂给了狗狗。不管是迎宾区,喜帖,还是蛋糕等等都可以看到harmony的“形象”,感受到她们已经把狗狗当做自己的亲人。
让我很感动的是,他们会事无巨细的跟我分享她们的想法,不断的确认各种衣服,造型,配色,甚至刀叉桌布凳子等等的款式选择都会请求我的“把关”,感受到满满的信任和肯定,在过去7个月里,我就像扮演了他们半个planner似的,根据他们的想法,给他们提供所有利于出片的建议。 在拍摄当天,也是非常的顺利,节奏紧凑但不会觉得rush。 他们也是高度的配合,让整个拍摄特别丝滑,信任是对一个摄影师蕞大的肯定。 我很感恩能遇到这样的神仙couple。
Venue:W Bellevue + Ascend Prime Steak and Sushi
Wedding design & Florals:@alachloe